Installation of Fluoride Hopper Shut Off Valves
Overview of Project:
The water treatment plant (WTP) was built in 1967 and is the second largest water treatment plant in the area supplying the southern suburbs of the city.
The fluoride system at water treatment plant has a hopper shutoff valve that is utilised for isolating the hopper from the feeder system to enable cleaning, unblocking or to perform maintenance.
The project background and objective are to replace existing valve with a unit that has pneumatic actuation. To maintain a safe compliant working environment when operating the valve.
Scope of Works:
Concept design of gate valve that eliminates the manual handling associated with a manually operated valve. The fluoride powder sits in the valve slide and makes it difficult to close.
Pneumatic system was designed in house and later RPEQ certified. Purge ports were added to the valve slide to purge the fluoride powder from the track while closing the valve
Working with hazardous and dangerous substance, strict PPE requirements for the task were adopted.
The client was very happy with the outcome and requested the same be completed at another plant.